In a random act of humour, Conan O’Brien decided to follow one of the 600,000 people that follow him on Twitter. The Chicago Tribune outlines the story very well.
Turns out, the person Conan chose to follow is Sarah Killen (@LovelyButton). She is in her late teens and is from Michigan. And about 15,000 of Conan’s followers began to follow Sarah. Sarah turned this opportunity into something very positive.
She tweeted about an upcoming breast cancer awareness walk, the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure, sending her new followers to a site where they could donate money to sponsor her upcoming walk. According to the Chicago Tribune story, nearly $2,500 had been raised so far.
Sarah tweeted a link to the Children’s Hunger Fund—and the words “any donations would be appreciated.” The Children’s Hunger Fund has acknowledged Sarah and this unexpected campaign on their website and their Facebook page, taking the positive impact of Sarah’s tweets even further.
Not many people will have the chance that Sarah Killen had. But think about it for a moment, if you did—what would you do with this opportunity?