Getting copy, videos, images, etc. through the approval process is a challenge that every communicator I know has faced. It’s not always easy to get through the approval process, whether you are in-house, at an agency or a freelancer. Quite often, it isn’t about how good the copy is, it’s about the culture of the organization and, at the core of it, about the person who has the power to approve.
Quite often, people don’t understand what the review process is supposed to achieve. From a communicator’s perspective, it’s usually about ensuring that the piece is accurate and authentic. We write for a living and have checks and balances in place (thank goodness for copyeditors and proofreaders!) to make sure the piece is professional, easy to read and clear.
For others, writing is a personal thing and, unfortunately, ego can come into play. Many people like to put their “stamp” on content. Depending on how many people are on the review list, it can take days or even weeks to get a short piece approved. Wading through suggestions, revisions and input can be time consuming. To be honest, quite often the revisions don’t make the piece better because the person reviewing is seeing the piece from their own perspective and potentially not understanding the objectives of the piece overall.
I came across a great piece on recently that outlines some tips on how to better manage the approval process. I have to say, there is some valuable information here.