February 2010

I recently read an article in drovers.com that I found very interesting. It seems that Yellow Tail wine, based in Australia, was set to support the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). However, according to this article, many U.S. wine drinkers and food producers were unhappy with this decision.

At first glance, I wondered why…isn’t helping animals a good thing?

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t AHA, we take pitching seriously and go through the AHA Pitch Process to develop a pitch. That means that the pitch has to be short, catch the attention of the journalist quickly and keep it, and provide relevant facts, stats and other information that showcases the news value. We pitch it to each other on paper, in person and on the telephone before any pitch leaves the office. We role-play as PR media relations and reporter, asking the tough questions that a reporter would ask.

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Integrating social media into your communication efforts doesn’t stop when you write a strategic plan. It is an ongoing and evolving effort. We have recently had some interesting conversations with a client that we work with on a project basis. This client is someone that we have a huge amount of respect for and we want to see him succeed. His company is young and growing and he has a strong philanthropic focus. He came to us to help him build a strategic plan that included social media.

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Often when we speak with clients, we see that they have fallen into the trap of thinking that they need to use a blog in the most traditional way—external, writing everyday without fail. Depending on the objectives, you might want to set up a time-limited blog that deals with a specific topic or topics. You could also develop an ongoing blog with a range of guest bloggers that augment the lead blogger. Or you could have an internal facing blog that connects your leadership team with staff.

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