December 2010

Each month, one of the AHA Crew receives $20 and is asked to initiative a “Random Act of Kindness.” For December, we asked our Calgary PR Coordinator Kim Wong to do something nice for someone in the world. Kim took the assignment to heart – she tells us about what she did below.

On Friday, I was told that it was my turn to do a Random Act of Kindness on behalf of AHA. My first thought was how do I take the $20 given to me and turn it into more than $20? I remembered that the previous day I saw an advertisement at McDonald’s that if you buy a $10 gift card you also get a coupon for a free chicken wrap and drink. So I went to McDonald’s and purchased two gift cards and made a plan to give the gift cards and free coupons to some people in need.

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It’s that time again – the “Best of…” lists are starting to come out. Amy Vernon reviews the best social media marketing campaigns of the year at

Wondering why I am showing you marketing campaigns and not PR campaigns? The fact is, marketing and PR are both parts of a campaign these days. Social media has changed the days where the ad team would do one thing, the marketing group another and PR would just try to use what they did to generate some editorial and word of mouth.

At our Vancouver PR agency, we look at potential from a range of perspectives. We work with several smart ad and marketing agencies as a part of the team to develop cohesive campaigns. It’s the way things are done now.

I think Amy hit the nail on the head with her choice of campaigns. I would love to hear what you think.

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