Coffee Shop Newsroom

As anyone who knows me or reads this blog, knows we believe in the value of the online communication. It’s a reality in the world of communications and the public has embraced it. It is a big part of how your story gets told these days. However, we also believe strongly in connecting in “real life” too. It’s easy to hide behind your computer screen and pull information and facts and have what feels like full conversations online. The fact is, face-to-face is equally – and in many cases – more important. In my opinion, human connection will never be replaced by technology, now matter how quick, how interactive, and how three-dimensional.

Our Vancouver PR agency recently came onboard with a new client that has a big community spread over two large physical locations. While we have done extensive research online in our planning for this client, we have also taken the time and gone to both locations to spend time and get a feel for the culture and community. I have sat in the coffee shops and chatted with people, walked through the halls, and sat in on meetings and sessions to learn what makes the people that support this organization tick, what inspires them, frustrates them, and engages them. For our work with AHA clients, it’s always a blend of online and “real world.”

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